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Blog Post


Improvements (i hope) to the website

Ive been able to spend some time on the website recently and have hopefully made some improvements.

Ive updated the gallery section with seperate pages for different counties and also adjusted the menus to reflect this. Ive also added some more recent images and removed some older ones so its worth another look, even if you have looked before 🙂

Ive also finally worked out the shipping for my shop section which Ive struggled with for ages!!  Ive now been able to add canvases and print enlargements to the shop sections and you can now browse all products by either subject or location via the drop down menu.  I will be adding further products over the next few weeks.

Please note that orders from outside the UK are welcome but the site isnt set up to show overseas shipping costs yet, so please contact me before ordering, and I can calculate the shipping cost for you. The printers I use have print centres worldwide (except my Greetings Cards) so it may be cheaper and quicker than expected 🙂

As before Im not going to put every photo in the shop in every format available, so if your interested in an image that you cant see in the shop, just get in touch and I can add it for you.

Please have a look around and Id be greatful of any feedback. Let me know of any spelling mistakes, broken links, text that makes no sense, etc… or if there is anything you think I should add,

thank you, Glenn

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